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Summer in the City: Outdoor Movie Night

July 28, 2015
A massive inflatable screen + a field in the heart of London + 10 Things I Hate About You + 400 people + food + drink + blankets = one damn good summer's night.

london popup screens outdoor cinema cute summer 10 things i hate about you

I'm a bit of a complete and utter Pinterest fanatic and, during the recent stint of hot weather we had, I very optimistically decided to create an all-things-summery Pinterest board; it's basically a board gradually being made up of pretty pictures of beaches, shadows, ice-cream, picnics, outfits and, most importantly, amazing things to do that are made even more amazing by the presence of sun/heat. So I made it my kind of summer bucket-list board and aim to recreate as many of the experiences in the pictures as I can. 

Summer in the City: Greenwich

July 26, 2015
greenwich market london blog post

I don't know about the rest of the UK but I know if you live anywhere in the vicinity of London your weather forecast for this weekend was grim, grim, a little less grim, and then some more grim. Saturday was the 'little less' part and though the weather was a bit bipolar at times (so unlike British weather, I know) on the whole it was pretty decent so I was determined to have a good old day out.

Illustration Inspiration

July 19, 2015
rong rong devoe fashion illustration anna wintour inspiration blog

I am so in love with illustrating at the moment and a big part of that love comes from looking at other artist's works. I'm constantly on the lookout for new illustrations/illustrators, and assume I'm not alone in this quest, so thought I would start sharing some of the pieces that inspire and motivate me on a daily basis with my own pictures. The talent/skill/God-given gifts that these artists have is truly breathtaking. Enjoy!

My Bucket-List #1

July 16, 2015
road trip summer inspo tumblr bucket list bucketlist ideas

Sometimes all it takes is for one person to share a really effing cool memory with you to trigger that little voice in your head that say's 'DO MORE COOL FUN SH*T'.