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Fashion Illustrations / Alexa Chung Met Gala 2015

May 25, 2015
Alexa Chung fashion illustration Erdem
Two things I've love-love-loved since I was a little'un are art (holla at the kids who had colouring books for entertainment instead of iPads) and fashion (the football kits and trainers were totes sports luxe- just 15 years ahead of the trend). So, for the past few months I've been trying my hand at a bit of fashion illustration.

My initial sketches were quite basic but as I've done some more practising and research and following a bazillion illustrators on instagram/pinterest/you know the rest, I'm finally starting to develop a style of drawing that I'm happy with and along the way am having the best time getting my creative juices a'flowing. Alas, I have decided to start documenting my work on my blog as I know how much I've personally been inspired by the likes of Paper Fashion, Kerrie Hess, Jennifer Lilya and a tonne more, so thought I would take a leaf out of their sketchbooks and share my passion with others - I hope you enjoy!

I've recently been working on a few of my fave dresses from the 2015 Met Gala (stay tuned for Queen Bey obvz) and one of the looks that I absolutely adored was Alexa Chung in her Erdem dress - the colour palette, the embroidery, the blue shoes, the ballerina top-knot - she looked uh-mazing. Enter sketchbook.

Alexa Chung Met Gala 2015

Alexa Chung Erdem Fashion Drawing

Erdem Fashion Illustration Drawing Blog

Alexa Chung Fashion Illustration Inspiration

I had so-so much fun interpreting this dress and am really pleased with how it turned out (OTT scratchy pen and all) so thought it apt to be the first one to share on my blog! I used a mixture of watercolour paints and pencils, black ink and nail varnish (metallic paints for a lass on a budget) to create this piece - as you can tell I'm very much still in the experimental stage with materials but watercolour is most definitely my main love and very first go-to when it comes to adding colour to my sketches. I am, however gradually building up my collection of supplies, so will undoubtedly be trying out more techniques for future projects.

And voila, my first post is done and I'm looking forward to uploading many more pictures of my work to share with anyone who might give a monkeys!

Thank you for reading/mooching x

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